Below are a collection of media articles and releases where Luce Research was mentioned or provided results/methodology:
- Mar-29 — Colorado Springs city election heads for the finish after sparring matches [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Mar-25 — Skorman leads in mid-March poll of Council District 3 voters [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Nov-5 — Post-election battles likely as Trump supporters in no mood for compromise [McClatchy-Marist Poll]
- Nov-4 — Majority of voters think Clinton acted illegally, new poll finds [McClatchy-Marist Poll]
- Oct-4 — Proposed charter change would prevent trade of Colorado Springs city land without vote [The Gazette]
- Sep-21 — Local election poll unsurprising [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- May-1 — IN: Trump Leads, Clinton and Sanders Close [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/MaristPoll]
- Apr-24 — PA: Trump and Clinton with Double-Digit Leads [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Apr-19 — Majority Opposes Increased Numbers of Refugees, But… [Exclusive Point Taken Marist Poll]
- Apr-19 — Baseball Fans Support Adding Protective Netting In MLB Stadiums [HBO Real Sports/Marist Poll]
- Apr-16 — NY: Trump with 29 Point Lead over Kasich [NBC 4 New York/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Apr-13 — MD: Trump Up 12 Points over Cruz… Clinton with Commanding Lead over Sanders [NBC4/Marist Maryland Poll]
- Apr-8 — Obama Approval Rating at 50%, But Dissatisfaction with D.C. Looms [McClatchy-Marist Poll]
- Apr-7 — Clinton vs. Trump: Even their supporters don’t like them [McClatchy-Marist Poll]
- Apr-6 — Poll: 25 percent of Sanders voters would shun Clinton [McClatchy-Marist Poll]
- Apr-5 — Poll: GOP says no last-minute candidates like Paul Ryan [McClatchy-Marist Poll]
- Apr-5 — GOPers Oppose Contested Convention… Trump and Cruz Competitive Nationally [McClatchy-Marist Poll]
- Mar-13 — Trump Ahead in FL, IL… Kasich Up in OH… Clinton Ahead in FL, IL, and OH [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Mar-6 — Michigan: Trump and Clinton with Wide Leads in Nomination Quests [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Feb-28 — Trump Favored in TN & GA, Cruz Ahead in TX… Clinton with Big Leads in TN, GA, and TX [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Feb-19 — Trump in Close Race in South Carolina… Clinton with Wide Lead [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Feb-5 — Trump’s Lead Narrows as Rubio and Cruz Close Gap in New Hampshire [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Feb-4 — Sanders Outpaces Clinton in New Hampshire [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Jan-28 — Trump Leads in IA, NH, and SC… Clinton and Sanders Competitive in IA, Sanders up in NH, Clinton Leads in SC [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Jan-10 — Cruz and Trump Vie in IA, Trump NH Favorite… Clinton and Sanders Competitive [NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll]
- Apr-29 — A challenge to young professionals [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Mar-27 — Suthers sits atop Colorado Springs mayoral race [The Colorado Statesman]
- Mar-4 — The golden eggs [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Mar-4 — Poll gives insight on voters in Colorado Springs [FOX21]
- Feb-25 — The undecided factor [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Feb-24 — New poll shows Colorado Springs mayoral election is a two-person race [FOX21]
- Feb-20 — 3 things you need to know about construction defect law [Reno Gazette-Journal]
- Feb-12 — Nevada Homebuilders, Other Voices: Restore Balance, Fairness to Chapter 40 [Nevada Business]
- Oct-31 — Putting Herself First [Humana]
- Sep-2 — New Women’s Index from Hadassah Reveals Most American Women Satisfied with Work-Life Balance… [Hadassah]
- Oct-9 — Lawsuit Reform is a Common Sense Bipartisan Issue [American Legislator]
- Sep-13 — Take Anti-Lawsuit Attitudes With a Grain of Salt [Persuasive Litigator]
- Aug-21 — National Poll: Voters Say Litigation is Hurting Economy, They’re More Likely to Support Pro-Tort Reform Candidates [ATRA]
- May-1 — 20- and 30-somethings find little hope, hospitality within recent city politics [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Feb-27 — Steve Bach gets stamp of approval in poll [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Feb-27 — Colorado Springs mayor finds plenty of support [Denver Business Journal]
- Feb-13 — Colorado Springs Council hopefuls must appeal to the elders [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Jan-19 — Bach in brief [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Jan-12 — Poll: Locals aware of state disparity [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Jun-11 — PPACG focusing on transportation planning [Pikes Peak Courier]
- May-13 — Skorman, Bach in virtual tie, poll shows [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- May-5 — Poll: Bach leads Skorman [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Nov-13 — MH’s first gated community planned [Morgan Hill Times]
- Oct-21 — Poll-ing ahead [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Oct-14 — CannaBiz – Rocking the Vote? [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Sep-16 — The state of the city: ‘People are not happy’ [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Oct-29 — Going our own way [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Oct-29 — Proofing Mr. Paige [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Oct-26 — Ballot Issues Not Faring Well, Says New Polling Data in the Colorado Springs Independent [AAN]
- Oct-22 — 2C in trouble, 300 on the edge [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Jul-23 — Voters ready to tweak TABOR [The Colorado Springs Independent]
- Sep-13 — Campaign Season Begins [Voice of San Diego]
- Jan-10 — Don’t hang up on them [Gazette]
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Please note that this list is limited to publicly available news and media articles available online. Due to the nature of our business, the vast majority of surveys conducted are proprietary client information, most of our work is never released to the public domain and often remains a valuable trade secret to for years to come.
We welcome new partnerships with media outlets and are capable of assisting in questionnaire writing and design, along with fielding and analysis.

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